Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Bet You Hate Your Job, Ms. Sutton

One of my students told me this week, after I gave a lecture on behavior to the class:
"I bet you hate your job, Ms. Sutton."
Hmm.  No, I definitely don't hate my job.  Do I have days I wish I was at home/the beach/shopping/etc. instead of at work?  Sure.  Everyone does.  I've had many challenges during the time I've worked for the school corporation.  I had many trying students, coworkers, personal issues, you name it.  Not once did I hate my job.

Hate is a very strong word.  Last year, I outlawed that word (among others) in my classroom.  You could "strongly dislike" something, or "strongly dislike" how someone was acting, but "hate" you could not.

This week has been a trying week.  I can't figure out if we're all getting sick, if there's a full moon, or perhaps if we all have cabin fever (note that it's been in the 70s this week and we've taken full advantage of our recess time).  I am just not sure.  I am hoping it's not a case of "Holiday Hyperness,"  because if it is, we need to get a handle on it quick because we still have a month of school before Christmas Break.

My favorite (note the sarcasm here) thing is when I start to teach and all my students start talking.  Or coloring.  Or reading.  Apparently, they already know how to do everything that I've taught, so they don't see the need to pay attention.  Hmm.  Okay.

Our principal is very big on respect.  You are respectful to everyone, whether you like them or not, whether you agree with them or not.  Not paying attention to your teacher when he/she is teaching is disrespectful.  In fact, our principal spent about 25 minutes in my room last week talking to my class about how we need to be respectful and tolerant of each other (I have a few personality conflicts in my room).  Today we were respectful to our Veterans, but not so respectful to the teacher or to each other.

Now, granted, we have more than our fair share of fun in my classroom.  I strongly dislike being all stuffy and serious for the entire school day.  However, the State of Indiana has deemed me in charge of educating 19 students in the 5th grade state standards.  Unfortunately, you can't teach all those standards in a non-stuffy, non-serious fashion.  You also can't have much peace and order without everyone dishing out their fair share of respect.

Okay--enough of my rant and rave for the evening.  Friday, here I come!!

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